Have you ever worked night shifts? Have you noticed that during that time your health took a hit? Night shifts can be detrimental to human health and have many long-lasting effects. Women, in particular, are more affected by night shift work. In this article, you’ll learn how night and rotating shifts affect women’s health and what you can do to lower your risks.
What are the differences between hormonal and non-hormonal intrauterine devices? What benefits and side effects does each birth control option present? And what about the costs? In this article, you’ll learn more about the different types of IUDs to help you decide which option is better for you.
Are you wondering whether traveling is safe while pregnant? Or perhaps what safety measures you should take when traveling by different means of transportation? Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but it also raises many questions and worries. Traveling while pregnant not only becomes more uncomfortable but also more difficult.
Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Symptoms like difficulty losing weight, hair loss, dull skin, brain fog, and many others can make it difficult to perform daily activities. However, there are ways to manage the condition to improve your life. In this article, you’ll learn more about hypothyroidism, what causes the condition, and its symptoms.
Do you notice more skin breakouts a few days before your period kicks in? Or perhaps your skin is duller and drier on the first few days of your cycle? That’s because your menstrual cycle impacts your skin’s health and appearance. In this article, you’ll learn how different stages of the menstrual cycle affect your skin and tips to adapt your skincare based on your cycle phases.
Has it ever crossed your mind that the air you breathe or the cookware you use for your meal prep can cause your endocrine system to go haywire? Every day, we’re exposed to countless sources of environmental toxins that can alter fertility, menstrual cycles, metabolism, and immune function. In this article, you’ll learn what endocrine disruptors are and how to limit your exposure by switching to more sustainable and natural options.
Iron is an essential mineral necessary for hemoglobin production, oxygen transportation, immune system support, and many other functions in the body. Sadly, iron deficiency is one of the most common forms of malnutrition in the world. Learn about the symptoms of iron deficiency and its impact on health.
If you're wondering, 'What can I eat during pregnancy?' and 'What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?', you've come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn about nutritional recommendations for pregnant women, foods to avoid, and essential nutrients and products to include in your diet.
What are the functions of the cervix? How often should you attend cervical screenings? How have new guidelines changed the frequency of recommended Pap tests? Learn all about the cervix, cervical health and disorders, and recommended cervical screenings.
If you've started planning a family later in life, you've probably heard the term "geriatric" pregnancy. This term, used to describe advanced maternal age has scared people for years. But is conceiving after 35 as risky as we're led to believe? Learn more about pregnancy after 35, its risks, benefits, and ways to have a healthy pregnancy.
A few days before your period starts, do you experience food cravings? Does your stomach growl only a couple of hours after eating? Do you feel hangry most of the time? All of these symptoms can be explained by weakened insulin sensitivity before your menstrual period starts. In this article, we'll look into the connection between insulin levels and the menstrual cycle.
Your first menstrual period is a significant milestone during puberty. Your first period after giving birth might feel almost the same. Will it be more painful and longer? When can you expect it to start? And how long are you protected against pregnancy after giving birth? In this article, we try to answer all these questions for you.
The female reproductive system is so complex that, even to this day, we don’t know many things about it. So, let’s better understand one of the most important organs of the female reproductive system and human conception – the fallopian tubes. In this article, you'll learn what the fallopian tubes are, their functions, and their role in helping you conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.
The odds of getting pregnant in the first month after starting to try are only 20-30%. The longer you try to get pregnant, the better your chances are. Around 80% of couples get pregnant within the first year of trying. However, not everyone is so fortunate, as many factors can reduce the chances of conceiving. One intriguing factor is the 'choosy uterus' theory. In this article, you'll learn what it takes to get pregnant and why your uterus might be sabotaging you.
The way our bodies support and protect us often seems like magic. The placenta is a unique example of the female body’s ability to adapt and transform to support new life. In this article, you’ll learn all about this incredible temporary organ and its functions.
Most of us are familiar with oestrogen as the primary female sex hormone, but this substance does much more than manage menstrual and reproductive health. From the formation of bones and organs to the regulation of digestion and cognition—oestrogen is involved in all aspects of our lives.
Periods are messy. They affect our health, moods, and well-being, and they are just annoying to deal with. From painful cramps to pimples and bloating, our hormones just won’t give it a rest. In this article, we look into a little-discussed but common phenomenon—period poops. That’s right, as if bleeding, pain, and mood swings weren’t enough, being locked in your bathroom for hours can be the cherry on top.
When will I get my first period? What are the signs? How will I know? Am I the right age? These questions are important, and the answers will help you prepare for menstruation. In this article, you’ll learn why periods happen in the first place, how to prepare for your first menstruation, and how to talk to your parents about it.
Did you know that a stuffy nose isn’t just a symptom of the common cold or hay fever? Are you constantly blowing your nose, using nasal sprays, and hovering above the humidifier but nothing seems to work? Then keep on reading. In this article, we tell you about the eight most common reasons for nasal congestion and how to treat them.
What happens when one or both ovaries become inflamed? What is the best way to diagnose and treat ovarian inflammation? Our in-depth blog post describes the symptoms and consequences of this uncommon, but dangerous condition, and explains what to do if you notice them in yourself.
It’s really happening—your pregnancy has been confirmed and a new baby will be joining you in less than nine months! Maybe you feel like shouting from the rooftops or maybe you’d rather keep the news to yourself for as long as possible. What is the best course of action in this situation? Is there a “right time” to announce your pregnancy?
Have you ever noticed that around the middle of your cycle, your mood changes for a few days? It might be a sign of ovulation symptoms. Although the ovulatory phase of a menstrual cycle is the shortest, it’s also the most significant one.
Bananas are a snack super-food in many ways. They are chock full of nutrients and essential vitamins, require no special preparation, and come in their own packaging—perfect for when you need a quick, healthy snack. So, why do some sources recommend avoiding bananas during pregnancy?
Peeing during sex is a common concern among women, yet we tend to keep mum about this topic. If you’ve ever experienced urine leakage during foreplay, intercourse, or orgasm, please know that you are not alone and that this is both normal and manageable.
Honey is a nature’s sweet and sticky treat, rich in antioxidants and healing properties. However, as an expectant mother, you might wonder if honey is safe for you and your baby during pregnancy.
Colic is a well-known condition in young babies. Although otherwise healthy, they can sometimes cry unconsolably for no apparent reason, especially in the first months of life. Colic in babies is often associated with some sort of abdominal pain. The term colic is also used to describe sudden, recurring, unspecified abdominal pain in adults.
Probiotics are live microorganisms—mostly bacteria and some yeasts—that offer numerous health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They are often referred to as “good” or “friendly” bacteria because they contribute to a balanced and harmonious gastrointestinal system.
Did you ever imagine that one day you would have a personal health assistant on your phone? Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now, and we’re just scratching the surface of how machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies can make our lives easier. Although we tend to associate AI with cutting-edge technologies, there are many ways we can benefit in our daily lives, including helping you navigate information about your menstrual cycles and reproductive health.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the human urinary system is fascinating. While most of us don’t pay much attention to it unless there is a problem, the urinary system plays a vital role in our bodies. It cleans the blood, removes toxins, and regulates blood volume and the elements our blood contains. However, it’s not uncommon to experience urinary system issues. Many of them start with bladder pressure and increased urination. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common culprits for bladder pressure and compare them to help you recognize the distinct signs.
Menstruation, by definition, comes with flow—the cyclical discharge of the uterine lining. Just like is says on the packaging of feminine hygiene products, your flow can be light, heavy, or “normal.” But normal will be different for different bodies.
We can all be clumsy from time to time. You trip over a curb or spill coffee all over your new dress, but sometimes, being clumsy isn't just an accident but a repeated problem. You may notice that you’re clumsier than usual at certain times of the month, or that you keep bumping into or dropping things when you feel stressed. In this article, you’ll learn more about clumsiness and whether it’s something to be concerned about or just a normal part of your life and personality.
Sitting perfectly still for long periods of time isn’t easy for anyone and it isn’t necessarily good for us, but people suffering from Restless Legs Syndrome feel an irresistible urge to move or shake their legs, especially at night in bed. The whole limb just begs to be moved – shaken or suffer incredible discomfort.
If you've ever had an abscess on your skin, gums, or elsewhere on (or in) your body, you know how dangerous and painful it can be. And because an abscess can resemble a pimple or a boil, you might be tempted to squeeze or pop it. But before you do, read this article to learn how to deal with an abscess safely, and why you should never pop one yourself.
Tinnitus is an unwelcome intruder that can disrupt your day with a continuous, high-pitched ringing in your ears. This is not just annoying; phantom sounds can interfere with your concentration, sleep patterns, and overall quality of life.
Mental health is a topic many of us still shy away from discussing openly. However, according to some studies, as many as 1 in 4 people worldwide may be living with some form of mental illness at any given time. In this article, we shed some light on bipolar disorder and what it’s like to live with it.
While it may seem alarming, this phenomenon is probably more common than you think. Have you ever spontaneously felt a sensation like a zap, a jolt, or a tingle out of the blue? Such sensations are more common during perimenopause when fluctuating hormone levels can influence the way our nerves fire, but this phenomenon can have many other causes.
Apart from the ever-present question of whether to shave, the armpit is not the first place we think of as being a source of pain. However, the armpit—or axilla—is an important junction where the arm meets the rest of the body, and pain can arise here.
Our sense of smell is important for our health and well-being. It helps us select wholesome food, heightens the appetite, and warns us of harmful or spoiled products. Our ability to perceive smells also helps us navigate the environment, warning us about dangers such as a gas leak, smoke and fire, or mildew in the walls. But our sense of smell gives us even more subtle and profound cues that influence our romantic relationships, social interactions, and attitudes towards other people.
Achoo! Mystery sneezing, a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, and general itching and discomfort… Does this sound familiar? Allergies can be annoying and manifest in many ways, but they are possible to manage.
We all know that proper oral hygiene is essential for strong, healthy teeth. However, many of us only get concerned about our oral health only when things start to go wrong. What we really want is to prevent problems before they begin, especially as the pain of tooth and gum disease can be intense and may lead to other, more serious problems if left untreated. In this article, you’ll find information about how to promote the health of your teeth and why oral hygiene is so important.
Sex is so much more than just the “big O”. The whole experience—foreplay, making love, and afterglow—has the potential to be uniquely pleasurable. Of course, orgasms are amazing, but for some of us the build-up of intense arousal can also bring on an intense headache.
Many of us regularly contend with some form of pain or discomfort, from all-too-common menstrual cramps to serious medical conditions. Sciatica is a term commonly used to refer to pain, weakness, or numbness along the sciatic nerve pathway that runs from the lower back down each leg to the foot. Although most sufferers are middle aged or older, and sciatica is more common among men, pregnancy can also sometimes bring on sciatic pain.
Finding out that you’re pregnant is exciting news and the beginning of a life-long journey. But like any other life-altering event, it requires careful preparation and planning. And the best way to start is by calculating your due date to know when you’ll see your baby. In this article, you’ll learn more about finding out your due date, how it’s measured, and how to calculate it using different techniques.
Diabetes is a life-threatening health condition that affects millions of people around the world. Those of us who suffer from diabetes are either unable to produce insulin or cannot successfully process it. Insulin is a hormone that allows our cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and convert it to energy. A diagnosis of diabetes for yourself or a loved one can be scary, but it is possible to successfully manage the condition and lead a full life.
Cycle tracking with an accurate period calculator can help you better understand your body and your health. Learn the benefits of using a period calculator and try it for free on WomanLog!
None of us is immune to motion sickness. Even experienced sailors can feel queasy when the sea gets too rough. For some people, however, all it takes is a few sharp turns in a car to bring on horrible symptoms of nausea, vomiting, vertigo, cold sweat, and confusion. In this article, you’ll learn about motion sickness, why some people are more prone to it, and how to relieve the symptoms.
Your skin reacts to everything in your environment. The climate and your diet are just two of the many factors that can influence the structure and health of your skin. Dry skin is a common reaction to various influences, which can usually be easily remedied.
The premenstrual and menstrual phase often comes with less than desirable emotional effects. Discussing emotions and the menstrual cycle can be tricky, as women continue to be shamed and dismissed for expressing our feelings, making it easier to ignore or downplay women’s lived experiences. Experiencing emotional changes over the course of your menstrual cycle is completely normal — up to a certain point — so let's explore what exactly happens during PMS and the other phases of your cycle.
We’ve all heard that it takes a village to raise a child, and giving birth is not meant to be a solitary experience either. Women have always supported each other physically and emotionally as they prepare for childbirth, go through the birthing process, and welcome their children into the world. Today this role is usually entrusted to midwives and doulas.
Period-tracking apps are convenient, easy to use, and vital aid many women rely on for planning and decision-making in their personal lives. To perform their tasks, these apps gather intimate user data. In light of the recent overturning of Roe v Wade in the US and similar rulings elsewhere in the world, concerns are being raised that the implementation of strict anti-abortion laws could threaten the safety of period-tracking data.
For many people, weight fluctuation can be a source of frustration. Understanding the reasons for these changes can lessen that frustration.
Feeling cold is the body’s way of signalling it needs you to get moving or grab a sweater. If you notice that you’re feeling cold seemingly without reason—all over, in your hands and feet, or in some other part of your body—it may indicate an underlying health problem. However, women tend to be more sensitive to cold due to natural physiological processes.
Our bodies reflect the way we live our lives. And for most of us, daily life is dominated by screen time. Computer and smartphone use strains not only our eyes, but also other muscles, especially the neck and shoulders. Poor posture is more than an aesthetic issue, it can cause real health problems such as migraines and shoulder pain.
Oral health is a crucial, but often overlooked aspect of our overall well-being. Many of us visit the dentist only when in pain, but bruxism wears down your teeth over time and can be difficult to spot. In this article, you will learn how to protect yourself from the damaging effects of grinding your teeth.
Edema, or swelling of the tissues, is a normal reaction to inflammation and injury. Swelling protects the injured area and promotes tissue repair. If the cause of the swelling is clear, for example a broken ankle or an insect bite, and there are no other symptoms, it will generally resolve on its own within a few days.
The reasons behind our sometimes surreal, vivid, and emotional dreams have long been a mystery. Many people who menstruate report having odd, striking dreams right before menstruation. The reasons behind this phenomenon are hidden in our hormones.
The experience of squirting can cause a woman to question her body just when she was enjoying a particularly pleasurable moment. How should a person feel about an unexpected gush of fluid from the vagina? Ashamed? Proud? Mainly you should feel calm, because squirting is completely normal.
Everyone who’s had to deal with greasy hair knows how annoying and inconvenient it can be. But sometimes, it’s more than just a nuisance. A greasy scalp is prone to irritation, dandruff, and other skin conditions. To get rid of excess oil on your scalp, you must get to the root of the problem. Find out what contributes to greasy hair and learn nine ways to reduce excess oil production.
There is a lot of online content aimed at women and a lot of that focuses on our health and wellbeing. We may have moved past the toxic diet and dating trends of the early 2000s but, sadly, misinformation in the realm of “feminine” topics is still rampant and can take many different forms. This article will help you recognise unreliable information so you can avoid it.
Most men will attest that the male member can be unpredictable. Losing erection during sex from time to time is very normal. We talk about erectile dysfunction or ED when a person consistently has trouble achieving and maintaining an erection.
Everybody has it, and an individual smell is a completely natural part of having a body. Having a strong body odor can become a problem in interpersonal communication, though. And sudden changes in your body odor can also signal underlying health issues – or, in some cases, simply changes in your hormone levels.
The number of men and women who suffer from heart disease is very similar. However, women are less likely to receive life-saving treatment for a heart attack because patients and doctors often don’t recognize the characteristic symptoms and dismiss them as stress or anxiety.
Childbirth is a peak life experience for parents. Anticipating the arrival of a new baby is exciting but can also be daunting, especially when you don't know what to expect. We have all heard that childbirth is painful, but what does that really mean? In this article, we share information about various methods the birthing person can use to manage labour pain.
Uterine prolapse affects nearly half of all post-menopausal women. This is a serious health concern that often requires medical or even surgical intervention. However, there are ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to help you avoid uterine prolapse later in life.
Natural pain relief, shorter active labour, and a more satisfying birthing experience are some of the benefits promised by this widespread practice, but what exactly happens at a waterbirth? Is this a good choice for your birthing journey?
If you were pregnant, you would probably want to know as soon as possible. If conception were to occur mid-cycle, at ovulation, it would be at least two weeks before you’d miss a period. Are there other early tell-tale signs of pregnancy? What are they and when do they appear?
The only sure method of birth control is abstinence, they say. While it’s true that if you never have sex, you cannot become pregnant, there are several methods of surgical contraception, or sterilization, that are also nearly 100% effective. What are they and why is this topic so heavily stigmatized?
Life can be extremely unpredictable. Unfortunately, there is no pause button for your period when life gets turned upside down, even in a real disaster. This article will give you some ideas for managing your period, even in an emergency.
A young girl’s first period is an important event that marks the beginning of puberty and entry into womanhood. For some, this is seen as a normal part of growing up, while others must struggle with harmful beliefs embedded in the culture that surrounds them. In this article, you will learn about some of the most common myths and practices related to menstruation and why cultural stigma regarding this natural and unavoidable biological process can be dangerous for young women.
Mobile period trackers have revolutionized access to data-driven knowledge about the female reproductive cycle. Not long ago, all we had was a calendar, a pen, and our own questions. Now, period trackers make it possible to record the daily progress of your menstrual cycle and the symptoms you experience, pinpoint ovulation, predict when your next period will start, help you get pregnant or avoid pregnancy, and much more—all in one simple app on your phone.
Menstruation is a natural part of life yet talking about it can prove difficult due to social stigma and gender stereotypes. Two people in a romantic relationship will come to know each other intimately and your period is a topic that is sure to come up sooner or later.
Our physiology, psychology, social interactions, upbringing, and past experiences impact our sexuality. However, even the slightest change in hormone levels can influence both libido and fertility.
Sex drive—or libido—is a person’s level of eagerness for sexual intimacy. A person’s sex drive is influenced by the psychological, physiological, and social aspects of their life experience, such as age, hormones, family attitudes, lifestyle, past sexual experiences, social pressures, health, and many other factors. Each of us is unique, so it’s not uncommon for people in a relationship to have mismatching libidos.
Humans are complex social beings. We use certain behaviours and rituals to communicate, compete, and find romantic partners. Flirting is a normal part of our lives as humans. We've learned these patterns from our ancestors to find a pleasing partner. But even after centuries of human evolution, we still become awkward and can be easily confused when we flirt. What are the signs of flirtatiousness, and what can we do to avoid misinterpreting them?
As hormone levels begin to drop after ovulation, most women experience some changes in their physical and mental state such as tender breasts, bloating, or moodiness. Such symptoms are often linked with Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS. For those of us who suffer from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PDD, the symptoms—especially those having to do with emotions—are noticeably more severe.
Although things have begun to improve, women are still too often dismissed and even ridiculed for health complaints such as pain and fatigue. No matter what society says, these feelings should not be a part of everyday life. Two chronic conditions that sometimes underlie lasting pain and tiredness when no other illnesses are present are fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Online dating started for real in the mid-1990s. It’s a fair bet that online romance scamming wasn’t far behind. We all want to connect, but when it comes to your safety and emotional well-being, boundaries and trust must be established before you take the next step. Knowing how to spot a catfish can help you avoid falling prey to this form of emotional abuse as you explore relationships online.
Ovulation is, in many ways, the high point of the menstrual cycle. Fertility peaks, as does the body’s ability to withstand pain. You are at your best both mentally and physically. Why, then, is anxiety something many women report experiencing during ovulation?
Menstruation—is it a blessing, a curse, or an inconvenience? Regardless of how we choose to look at it, menstruation is a sign of reproductive health. Some women are now choosing to embrace the natural flow of their period blood.
Throughout a woman’s lifetime, her body goes through many changes. Menopause is a significant transformation, marking the end of a woman’s reproductive life. This transition isn’t necessarily an easy one. It can go on for many years, and many women experience symptoms that disrupt their lives. Hormone replacement therapy is one way to reduce the impact of the most challenging symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy.
Beautiful, well-cared-for nails are aesthetically pleasing and also indicate good general health. When the body lacks essential nutrients, the first indicators often appear in our hair and nails. While the way we groom our hands and feet can be a way of expressing personality, our nails have other functions, too.
This is a question a lot of us have been asking ourselves lately. Sometimes it is unavoidable, in certain situations completely understandable, but being tired should not be a constant state. Being “always tired” is often normalized and even romanticized to an extreme in our society, but it is actually very dangerous. Excessive tiredness is always a sign from your body that something might be off. Let’s look at the most common explanations behind constantly feeling tired and some possible solutions.
We all have days when we don’t feel fully at home in our bodies. Societal beauty standards, pressure from the media, and advertisements from the fitness and beauty industries can all work against our self-confidence at times. The most intense manifestation of negative body perception is called Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD. No matter how we feel about our bodies, we can improve that relationship. It is possible to recover from BDD.
The menstrual cycle is a major driving force for women’s health and well-being throughout their reproductive years and well beyond. Even so, researchers have only recently started to take periods into account when designing studies; and in every-day life we are only now beginning to distance ourselves from the stigma associated with menstruation. To reclaim periods as a normal and even empowering experience, new approaches to how we view the menstrual cycle are emerging. For example, likening the phases of the menstrual cycle to the seasons of the year.
Cannabis and the various products derived from it are slowly becoming legal for recreational and medicinal uses in many places around the world. The painkilling and relaxing properties of cannabis make it an enticing option for the treatment of menstrual pain and PMS-related symptoms. Interestingly, many women report noticing differences in the effect produced by cannabis products depending on where they are in the menstrual cycle. While research on the effects of cannabinoids—the active substances in the cannabis plant—is still ongoing, it is clear that the menstrual cycle has an effect on how a woman’s body reacts to outside influences, especially in the case of potentially addictive and psychoactive substances.
Safe contraception should be available to everyone. Access to contraception allows us to plan for pregnancy, protect ourselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and gives us more control over our lives.
Almost no one would refuse a relaxing massage after a long day’s work. Massages can be therapeutic, a medical necessity, part of an athletic training routine, or even a spiritual journey. Regardless, massage is a great way to take care of your body.
Dating and relationships aren’t easy for anyone. Finding a partner can be even more challenging for asexual people. An asexual person has little or no sexual desire for others, which means they tend to abstain from intercourse and other sexual acts. When one partner has little interest in sexual intimacy, it can be tough for a partner who desires sex to maintain an emotionally intimate relationship.
Vaginal discharge is a fact of life. Every woman of menstrual age experiences it. It can be said that vaginal discharge reflects a woman’s health. The colour and quality of the secretions indicate where she is in her menstrual cycle and can be sensitive to even slight changes in diet and routine, hormone imbalance, vaginal pH, and infection.
Procrastination, forgetfulness, irritability, and anxiety are all normal parts of human life. For people with ADHD, however, these are some of the more common challenges they face every day. For them it is nearly impossible to “get it together” and “stop being lazy”. Even the simplest tasks can require excessive effort, which is hard to understand if you don’t have ADHD. Women especially have trouble getting diagnosed and treated for ADHD.
Vision is one of the primary senses humans use to interact with and learn about the world. It is also the main tool used in most jobs worldwide. In addition, our lives increasingly happen through digital screens, creating an even higher risk of overworking the eyes.
About 15% of couples struggle with infertility. Wanting children but being unable to conceive can bring stress and grief to a relationship. Assisted reproductive technology, adoption, and surrogacy are three different paths to experiencing parenthood. In this article, we will look into surrogacy and the opportunity it can provide for infertile couples, same-sex couples, and single people.
Many people who wish to have children have trouble conceiving. This can feel like a terrible blow at first, but today there are many alternative paths to having children, including adoption, surrogacy, and fertility treatments. The reasons for choosing one option over another are often complex and personal, but all are equally valid.
Sex is an integral part of most committed romantic relationships. Trying out new positions is a good way of maintaining emotional closeness and learning more about your needs and the needs of your partner. You don’t need to do anything crazy—even small changes can help you achieve better orgasms and generally enjoy a more exciting and pleasurable experience.
Many of us dream of having perfect curls—including people with naturally curly hair. This hair type is misunderstood surprisingly often and having a head of full of healthy and attractive curly, wavy, or kinky-coily hair remains a difficult but not impossible goal.
It is true that we all have our preferences. Couples often have one or two sexual positions that lead them more easily to the peak of pleasure. Varying the positions may be wise. By doing the same all the time, it loses its flavour. The routine sets in, but sometimes it takes little to change a habit and the two partners have slightly different feelings.
The philosopher’s stone, the elixir of immortality, the universal panaceas, the fountain of youth—these are all legends about the secret to extreme longevity. People have been thinking about eternal youth as long as there have been people. Slowing the signs of ageing with anti-ageing treatments is one way to postpone the inevitable changes. However, such procedures can only influence visible processes and have minimal to no impact on our overall longevity. Yet many people spend a great deal of money to look young for as long as possible. In this article, we will discuss anti-ageing treatments and how to care for ageing skin.
Relationships should provide love, security, and companionship. Everyone needs a few deep and meaningful connections with others as we go through life. However, not all relationships are easy. Romantic relationships can be particularly challenging, especially when they enter the long-term phase. Inequalities, differing love languages, and difficulty in communicating can contribute to dissatisfaction in a relationship. In this article, we will guide you through some of the most common disagreements couples face and how to find common ground.
The potentially life-changing reality of an unwanted pregnancy causes real anxiety for most people. One of the last-ditch methods for preventing a pregnancy is emergency contraception, the key word being emergency.
Having a persistent bad taste in your mouth, as trivial as it may seem, is a very real problem that can reveal other underlying conditions and have a negative effect on your general wellbeing.
Vaccines save lives. Thanks to the development of vaccines, we have been able to eradicate or at least control many deadly diseases such as smallpox and polio. Currently, our world is battling the COVID-19 virus, which can also be contained with vaccines. As a valuable defence against life-threatening illnesses, vaccines stimulate the immune system to create the desired antibodies, but the process creates challenges that temporarily affect the body and also the menstrual cycle.
We tend to pay a lot of attention to pregnant women and their needs but once the child has been delivered, attention shifts to the newborn. Mom devotes all her energy to her new baby and, in many cases, neglects her own needs. A new mother often experiences overwhelming physiological and psychological transformations in life and in her body. She needs support from friends and family to regain her equilibrium.
A clenched jaw is an unfortunate side-effect of a stressful life. You may be overworking your jaw if you grind your teeth at night, eat too many hard foods, or have a bad posture! If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to chronic issues known as TMJ disorders.
While every woman who gives birth goes through the same fundamental process, each woman’s experience is complex and subjective. Labour is an emotional experience that has both physiological and psychological factors. For many women, anticipating the pain of childbirth can be intimidating.
Ageing and sexuality are two themes human society has surrounded with myths and stereo-types. Just because our bodies change doesn’t mean our appetite for sex and intimacy disappears. What does it mean to manage your sexuality later in life?
Brain fog is a common experience that can happen to anyone due to lack of sleep, certain medications, or exhaustion after heavy physical activity. However, many menstruating people experience brain fog right before menstruation, and sometimes the symptoms are so intense that they disrupt daily life.
When a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to be extra careful about many things for the sake of the baby and also for her own sake. Moderate exercise is a simple and accessible way of caring for your health. (Unless your doctor recommends otherwise.)
Menstrual and mental health are interconnected and can impact one another. Sometimes the effect is so strong that it disrupts your daily life. Hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, and other dysfunctional reproductive processes can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even depressed.
Food is a necessity in our lives. It gives us energy and nourishes our bodies. But sometimes, what is supposed to provide us with vitality takes it away. People with eating disorders use food as a crutch for dealing with negative or overwhelming emotions until their relationship with it becomes unhealthy.
Going to the gynaecologist can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time or if you have had a previous negative experience. Fear not! Reproductive health is an important aspect of your health, and you are in control of who you choose as your doctor and what happens at the appointment.
A pregnancy is an exciting and often overwhelming time in a woman’s life. With twins the excitement can double, and so can the stress. Many aspects of pregnancy are different when having multiple babies, but if your pregnancy is being monitored by healthcare professionals there is little need for worry. Thousands of women give birth to healthy twins and triplets every day.
Pain is a universal human experience, but it is also highly individual. It can be hard to evaluate the exact cause of pain, but it is always a signal that something potentially dangerous is happening to your body.
The sexual needs of people who live with disabilities are the same as everyone else’s but overcoming the stigma and gaining access to basic sexual-health-related information and services is much more challenging for them. Those with disabilities are still disproportionately underserved when it comes to sexual education and resources, both as adolescents and later in life. In this article, we discuss how to make information about sexual health more accessible for everyone, regardless of our physical or mental capabilities.
In recent years, the number of instances of explicit non-consensual content being published online has been growing at an alarming rate. As more people use the internet to do their jobs, manage their social lives, and try their luck at dating, the danger of cybercrime increases. Revenge pornography is a cybercrime mainly committed on social networks or similar platforms.
People are social animals, but over the past year and a half, maintaining a social life has become challenging. Now that the Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted, many of us are having mixed feelings about returning to life as we knew it. Especially returning to the dating scene.
Contrary to what you may have heard, keeping your genital area clean is simple and easy. The vagina is self-cleansing, which means there is no need for expensive products that clean it internally.
The choice of dietary supplements available in any given drugstore, let alone online, is vast. They promise to provide us with vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients in the form of pills, drops, capsules, and powders. Some of these can be truly useful while others are merely money-making fads for their producers, and some can even be quite harmful if used recklessly or purchased from an unreliable seller.
Anxiety is a normal part of our lives. It comes at moments of stress and when we face something new and unfamiliar. Anxiety can present as anything from mild feelings of unease to severe distress—impaired breathing, increased heart rate, an anxiety attack.
Glowing skin is a sign of health. But even the healthiest people sometimes have skin problems. To tackle these issues, you can use skincare products that address your particular skin type or concern.
You may have experienced heartburn after eating or at other times during the day. Despite their menacing names, heartburn and acid reflux are common (yes, there is a slight difference between the two), and are not considered disorders on their own. They do, however, cause discomfort and can indicate a more serious problem if the sensation lingers for too long or occurs too often.
Lavender—for sleep and relaxation, lemon—for headaches, rose—for reducing anxiety, etc. Essential oils may smell nice, but whether or not they actually work is still being debated.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in our daily lives, including the new norm of wearing a protective face mask while out in public. The mask provides necessary protection against the virus, however prolonged use can have an impact on your skin.
If there is does not happen to be a toilet nearby, there is nothing dangerous about holding your pee for a while. It happens to everyone, and the unpleasant feeling will be forgotten as soon as you finally have the opportunity to relieve yourself.
Tattoos are not a new invention, many cultures have a long history of using tattoos in their religious and symbolic practices, or purely for aesthetic reasons. Tattoos were reintroduced into popular Western culture in the 20th century. Artists such as Lyle Tuttle, Cliff Raven, and Don Nolan were some of the people who influenced the re-emergence of tattoos.
Millions of people take prescription and illicit drugs for medical or recreational reasons. When such substances are taken without precaution, they can develop into an addiction. Drug addiction is dangerous to the affected person and the people close to them.
Millions of women worldwide struggle with hair loss. Human hair growth passes through four stages. At the end, a hair is shed, and a new hair begins to grow from the follicle. However, a stressful lifestyle, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and certain illnesses can cause excessive hair loss and pattern baldness in women.
Most people are aware that pregnancy and especially childbirth come with extreme challenges for the female body—the body does not magically reset the minute the baby is born. Although it is a natural part of the childbirth process, the struggles of the post-partum recovery period may come as a surprise to some because it is discussed much less often. However, with proper care and preparation, new mothers will be better able to take care of themselves and their babies and will be more confident in asking for the support they need.
Pregnancy is a time of great vulnerability for women. It has always been accompanied by some risk, especially in the past when we knew less than we do now about gestation and birth. Experience, while it is our fundamental source of knowledge, can also be misleading—one woman’s experience does not, cannot, and should not define another’s. A woman’s health, support network, emotional preparedness, and doctor/midwife can all influence her experience.
The human body is naturally covered in hair and still we have a long history of going to great lengths to remove it. Contrary to some beliefs, body hair removal serves a purely aesthetic purpose. This makes the choice to leave it there or get rid of it up to you.
Many of us enjoy the occasional drink. Alcohol consumption has played a central role in almost all human cultures since at least about 4000 BC. The development of agrarian societies was based on the cultivation of grain to make bread and, the evidence tells us, to make alcohol. From the earliest recorded use of alcohol, drinking has been a social activity subject to local cultural norms.
A controversial garment at times, seen as both a tool of liberation and of oppression, the commonplace bra still presents challenges today.
Being able to understand and manage your menstrual cycle has a significant impact on your quality of life, not to mention giving you the tools you need to choose if and when you become pregnant. Contraceptive methods give women independence and autonomy over their lives.
We live in a society where sex is considered a normal and necessary part of life. This is the result of a decades-long effort to overcome deep-rooted feelings of shame and guilt associated with sexuality. Because sexuality is so intimate and so consequential, it has led to problems in social organization throughout human history. The topic is so burdened with moralizing because it is an obvious subject to address when establishing social norms.
Choosing to move on from a relationship that isn’t working can be a difficult decision to make. Breakups can be messy and painful and leave both parties with unresolved baggage.
Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the breast tissue. This type of cancer is mostly found in women but affects men as well. Chances of survival rise significantly if the cancer is caught early.
Millions of people across the globe use antidepressants to cope with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Although not a cure, the right antidepressant can be incredibly helpful with treating symptoms.
A urinary tract infection or UTI is a bacterial infection usually caused by gastroin-testinal bacteria that has travelled from the anal tract to the urinary tract. The condition is uncomfortable and painful, and, if left untreated, can lead to kidney damage.
Toxic shock syndrome is an acute, potentially fatal infection caused by staph or strep bacteria. Both types of bacteria can live harmlessly on your skin and in your nose and mouth—it is when there’s an overgrowth within the body that problems occur. The condition is commonly linked to the use of highly absorbent tampons during menstruation.
Long-distance relationships occur when lovers are separated by considerable physical distance. They live in two different cities, countries, or even continents and cannot routinely meet in real life due to their work and study obligations or for other reasons (such as the restrictions enforced because of an unprecedented global pandemic).
The average woman spends roughly six years of her life menstruating. Most of us just accept this as part of life, but it would be really nice not to have to worry about it.
Hormonal contraception has been an effective tool for helping women gain more control over family planning and reproductive health. However, changing the way your hor-mones function is not a trifling matter. There may come a moment when a woman wants to take a break from hormonal contraception or stop using it altogether.
Humans have an innate need for social interactions, including physical touch. Touch is vital for a person’s wellbeing. As the Covid-19 pandemic mandates social distancing, many of us are left touch starved. What are the consequences, and is it possible to compensate for this deficit?
It won’t come as a surprise when I tell you that smoking is unhealthy. Even so, many people still smoke regularly. Even those who consider themselves to be non-smokers, occasionally smoke when out with friends for a drink.
Any abusive relationship, be it with a parent, sibling, or romantic partner, leaves scars. Moving forward with your life can be daunting enough, let alone building the foundations for a new healthy relationship.
Natural processes are messy, and often require a set of guidelines for people to follow in order for them to be both safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. Being informed can make the difference between a wonderful experience and a terrible experience.
Hormones are responsible for myriad bodily functions, and they affect our bodies in myriad ways, including our mood. Since the menstrual cycle features so many different hormonal processes, most women experience related emotional symptoms.
Reproductive-age women experience a menstrual cycle roughly every month. This cyclical process is connected to all the other systems that keep our bodies running and support our capacity for reproduction. The menstrual cycle is sensitive to the other changes that occur in our lives—environmental, emotional, or other.
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), affecting millions of people worldwide. A lot of stigma surrounds STDs, making it difficult to seek help when needed. But the reality is that anyone can get herpes.
Many of us only truly learn to love ourselves and our bodies fairly late in life. Prior to that, we tend to spend time and energy judging ourselves about things we cannot change. Self-love is a skill made difficult to attain by the very impractical beauty standards that are popular today.
Acne is a widespread skin condition, well known as a teenage issue, although it also affects adults. It can be tempting to cover it up (with makeup or otherwise), but this is, at best, a temporary solution and is more likely to make things worse.
Intimacy is one of the most complex, fascinating, and rewarding aspects of human connection. We usually talk about physical and emotional intimacy in romantic relationships, but people can share intellectual and spiritual intimacy as well. While the idea of intimacy is simple enough to understand, many different factors can contribute to an intimate bond.
Painful penetration or dyspareunia is defined as persistent or recurrent genital pain that occurs just before, during, or after intercourse. Many women experience discomfort during vaginal penetration now and then. But for some, painful sex becomes a regular part of their intimate lives.
Urinary incontinence affects 200 million people worldwide. People who develop incontinence experience urine leakage, lack of bladder control, and the frequent urge to urinate. It mainly affects older, pregnant, or postpartum women. Although many women choose to live with the discomfort, urinary incontinence can be reversed by improving one's lifestyle and incorporating regular pelvic muscle exercises.
Sexual harassment is defined as an unwelcome sexual advance. If you have received unwelcome suggestive comments, have been touched without your permission, or have been bullied or coerced into complying with a sexual advance, you have experienced sexual harassment.
The creation of a brand new human involves many complicated processes. The main ‘building blocks’ are human reproductive cells, known as gametes. Female gametes are egg cells, and male gametes are sperm.
Sweating is a natural bodily function—all of us sweat regardless of age, gender, or intensity of physical activity. Sometimes we notice changes in how much we sweat or how our sweat smells. There are reasons for these changes.
Stress and anxiety are likely to affect your physical and mental health. Often the first symptoms appear in the reproductive system. Prolonged or chronic stress can confuse the body and therefore hormone production, causing irregular periods, difficulty con-ceiving, and even low libido.
Pornography is a popular adult movie genre that generates $90 billion annually in global revenues. Many people enjoy watching adult movies, regardless of their lifestyle and relationship status. Some watch pornography by themselves, while others use it to spice things up in the bedroom. Although adult movies can bring novelty to your sex life, it's important to watch them responsibly and find fair trade sources.
Non-penetrative sex, a.k.a. outercourse, is sex without sexual penetration. There are a variety of reasons why a person might choose this over penetrative sex, including preference, safety, mental and physical restrictions, and personal boundaries.
If you ask someone what migraine is, chances are they will tell you it’s a kind of severe headache. While partially true, this is an oversimplification. In this article, we explore the stages, symptoms, and myths associated with migraine, and discuss various coping strategies that help mitigate symptoms.
A romantic relationship between two people develops through multiple stages. The beginning is full of passion and the feeling of butterflies in the stomach. After a while, the excitement fades, and the relationship falls into a routine. Lack of sexual desire in a long-term relationship is a common issue, but you can quickly light up your intimate life.
Uterine fibroids (also called fibromyomas, leiomyomas, or myomas) are the most common benign tumors in women. More than 50% of women are diagnosed with fibroids but less than half develop symptoms.
One of the challenges women face is managing the inconvenience of menstruating while keeping up with all their usual obligations. We’ve compiled some helpful suggestions for keeping things fresh while you’re ‘on the rag’.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common STD in the world: there is a very good chance that you will get at least one type of HPV during your lifetime. Preventative measures include practicing good hygiene and safe sex, getting tested regularly, and getting vaccinated, the last of which we focus on in this article.
Sex, like any other meaningful event, requires adequate preparation. Foreplay provides a transitional stage between the suggestion of intimacy and engaging in sex—giving partners time to prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Having a child is a life-changing decision even for a fully prepared adult. Discovering that you are pregnant without any idea how to handle the situation is enough to send even the most level-headed teenager into a panic.
They say you are what you eat. This idea can be helpful, provided we know what we are eating (which we often don’t). It can be very tempting to rely on an outside source to give us a list of special ingredients that will magically solve all our problems.
The short answer is ‘Yes’. We are programmed to procreate, so our bodies have made sure we have incentives (and rewards) for engaging in intercourse.
Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition caused by the presence of endometrial cells outside the uterus. It is known to be a leading cause of infertility in women. There is no known cure, but there are plenty of treatment options for combating symptoms.
The pleasure gap is an issue affecting many heterosexual couples. When one of the partners experience fewer orgasms during sex, the gap grows. To close the pleasure gap between men and women, it’s important to rethink heterosexual sex.
Sore nipples are no fun. Both men and women can suffer from pain and irritation in this wholly inconvenient location.
Puberty is a process that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a time of both physical and psychological change.
Going green is important for the health and safety of our own bodies, as well as the safety of our planet. Making green choices and reducing your environmental footprint can start with your feminine hygiene routine.
Preventative testing is a powerful tool in the battle against conditions that worsen over time. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the preventative measures you can take to tackle HPV-related cancers.
The frequency of orgasms differs from person to person. Some people climax every time they have sex, others struggle to climax at all. There are multiple reasons why, in the absence of an orgasm, someone might fake it.
Where do children come from? All parents eventually get this question. There are many different ways to explain the complicated process of forming of a new life to a child, but our answer is a short and precise—children come from the uterus.
The term 'sexting' is a fusion of the words 'sex' and 'texting'. Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit content to another person electronically.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a group of symptoms, or “syndrome”, that affects the ovaries and ovulation. It is common in women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal levels of androgens (male hormones). This hormone imbalance disturbs the menstrual cycle—infrequent or prolonged periods; and the ovaries may develop numerous follicles (small sacs of fluid that produce hormones and influence fertility) and fail to release eggs regularly, which makes it difficult to get pregnant. An accurate and early diagnosis makes it easier to get the proper treatment to manage symptoms.
More than four years have passed since COVID-19 was first identified. In that time more than 700 million people have fallen ill world-wide, and almost 7 million people have died from the virus.
Contraceptives, STDs, the onset of menopause—a variety of conditions can cause vaginal blood flow during any time of the menstrual cycle. An accurate diagnosis will point to the most suitable treatment for you.
Vaginal mycoses, or vaginal yeast infection (also called candidal vulvovaginitis, vaginal thrush, or candidiasis) is extremely common. Mycoses is found in about 20% of vaginal secretions tested in laboratories. The pain and discomfort caused by this condition often requires immediate medical attention.
Hidden within the vulva, the clitoris is an erogenous organ of the female reproductive system. How big is it? What is its role? Why does it give pleasure when caressed? Let’s discover the mysteries of the clitoris.
A visual comparison of the human male body and the human female body reveals many similarities, but the differences are immediately apparent. The reproductive organs are the most obvious difference—the physical expression of the chromosomes that determine biological sex.
Far from pleasant—this is how most women would describe their periods—even though menstruation is a completely normal, natural, and more or less regular process. However, menorrhagic menstruation is abnormally heavy bleeding often accompanied by severe cramps.
Pregnancy is often a happy, welcome, longed-for event, but discovering an unplanned pregnancy can be a shock! Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and increased appetite are early indicators of pregnancy but, if done correctly and at the right time, a simple home pregnancy test can tell you what you want to know.
Virginity is the state of not yet having engaged in sexual intercourse. It is impossible to see if a man or woman is a virgin just by looking at them. Virginity is a concept—there is no medical or biological definition of virginity. It is a mythologised status, the idea of a transition from one state to another, an initiation after which the informal status of a person has changed.
Although the word ‘sexuality’ leads us to think of the sex act, it is much more than just sexual relations and reproduction as a biological function. Sexuality is a holistic concept that includes a person’s physical and psycho-emotional need for love, intimacy, and pleasure; it is a set of behaviours we engage in to get what we need and want, behaviours that follow both written and unwritten laws. Or that we engage in despite them.
Often accompanied by severe bleeding and pain, miscarriage is the most common form of pregnancy loss. It occurs before the 20th week and affects 10–20% of all pregnancies. The real number is even higher as many miscarriages occur so early that a woman hasn’t yet realized she’s pregnant. Depending on the case, medical or surgical treatment is sometimes necessary. Most often, a miscarriage will not influence future pregnancies.
Pain, fatigue, headaches, stomach upset… Many women find their bodies are more sensitive and prone to fatigue when they are menstruating as blood flow is often accompanied by many unpleasant side effects. So, should we reduce or stop engaging in physical activities during menstruation? The answer is no. Still, there are some nuances worth considering.
There is quite a lot of variability in the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days long, but anything from 21 to 35 days is considered normal. Tracking your menstrual cycles can help you understand what is normal for you. This will also help you notice irregularities, such as a delayed or missed period, or spotting.
Vaginismus affects about 0.5% of all women. It’s a condition wherein the muscles around the vaginal opening involuntarily contract, making any sort of penetration incredibly painful.
Whether you maintain an active sex life throughout the month, or avoid sex during your period for any reason, there is still something of a taboo around sex while menstruating. The questions we have about this topic often remain shadowed in uncertainty.
Feeling exhausted when your period starts? You are not alone. Lack of energy just before and during menstruation is very common. Many women feel sleepy and lethargic during that time of month. To live through this phase of the menstrual cycle more serenely it is important to understand what is happening in your body and to take good care of yourself. Finding the right solution for menstrual insomnia means solving a great contradiction: what exhausts you during the day, prevents you from sleeping at night.
Expectant women and future fathers often worry if it is safe to have sex during pregnancy and if it won’t hurt the baby. However, pregnancy need not mean sexual abstinence: neither penetration nor orgasmic contraction can harm the child.
Facts and myths about predicting the sex of your baby. Terrible morning sickness? Definitely be a girl! No mood swings? Must be a boy… There are dozens of signs believed to indicate the sex of a baby still in utero, but we know most of these are based on folklore rather than science. Still, if these myths persist don’t they have some basis in fact? This article looks into eight of the most common beliefs.
Assisted Reproductive Technology, or ART, is a blanket term for a number of medical procedures used to address issues concerning reproductive functions of the human body. Not everyone can have children naturally. With ART, science steps in to provide these people with a choice they would not have had otherwise.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pathogen that, in the absence of treatment, results in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition that undermines the body’s natural defense systems, rendering it vulnerable to disease.
A woman's diet directly affects her hormones and menstrual cycle. Paying attention to what you eat can produce a more regular, less painful period, and a healthier state of mind.
Unfortunately, the dating world isn’t a safe place. Taking precautions is necessary, even if genuinely dangerous situations seem unlikely. Here are some things to keep in mind.
Many young girls feel underprepared for their first period. Although most will have a general idea of what to expect, fear and embarrassment are all too common.
Menopause is the time in the life of a woman when her periods stop, signalling the end of the reproductive function of her body. Both menopause and perimenopause (the transition to menopause) are associated with a number of symptoms that can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life.
We’ve all been there—preparing for a long-awaited trip, when we’re hit with the realisation that our period coincides with those meticulously chosen dates.
Your nether regions can tell you a lot about your health. Listen while they whisper, so you don’t have to hear them scream.
Headaches. Sore breasts. Mood swings. Irritability. Cramps. Fatigue. Trouble sleeping. Bloating. Food cravings. Acne. PMS is not kind.
Managing your period is time-consuming and expensive, and we’ve all heard stories about wearing white pants on the wrong day. Many women carry the necessities around with them all the time—in case a friend, co-worker, or even a stranger in a public bathroom, might find herself in a messy predicament.
A regular period is a sign of overall good health. If it doesn’t arrive when it should, we worry. Most women experience some variability in their menstrual cycles. How familiar are you with yours?
The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Our lives impact our hormones, and therefore our cycles—for example, stress can delay your period. Some variation is to be expected, but bigger fluctuations are reason to investigate.
Hormonal birth control doesn’t work for all women—some experience side-effects, others just aren’t comfortable with the idea of altering their bodies in such a fundamental way. These are the alternatives.
Sexual fantasies are common. The content of our fantasies revolves around situations, items, or characteristics we find arousing, and can inspire scenarios ranging from the mundane to the bizarre.
STDs are pathogens transmitted through sexual contact. Our primary ways of protecting ourselves against them are using condoms during intercourse and maintaining good hygiene.
There is no shortage of toys created explicitly with sexual pleasure in mind, ranging from discreet little vibrators that can fit in the palm of your hand to sex swings for the living room.
Despite cultural and scientific progress, there is still an air of mysticism and misconception surrounding female arousal and orgasm. Both men and women still struggle to understand what makes the female body tick.
Taking charge of our menstrual cycles can be empowering—knowing when to expect periods and reducing or even eliminating accompanying symptoms makes it much easier to manage, and frees up time and energy to use as we see fit!
Breasts are particularly responsive to hormonal fluctuations. During pregnancy, breasts undergo considerable changes in preparation for breastfeeding. It can be hard to maintain the same youthful silhouette after giving birth, but there are methods for taking care of your breasts.
The human body is programmed to reproduce in order to prevent extinction. Women’s bodies even have a special alert system, “the biological clock”, that can wreak havoc on the mind.
The libido, or sex drive, is a natural desire for sex. Sexual appetite can be influenced by such factors as health, mood, and emotional connection with your partner.
Your monthly cycle is more than having your period every month. There are changes in your body that manifest both visibly and invisibly, affecting you more than you may realise.
A healthy vagina self-lubricates as an essential part of sexual arousal and vaginal hygiene. Some women experience a lack of lubrication called vaginal dryness.
Shark week. The crimson tide. Riding the cotton pony. The many, creative terms we have for periods offer little comfort when it’s time for dealing with the unpleasantries that accompany it.